+32 496 91 31 15 info@sharefood.be Rue Arthur Diderich 34, 1060 Saint-Gilles

Solidarity fridges

Every evening, our super volunteers collect dozens of kilos of unsold food directly from our partner shops. All the products collected are then placed in our solidarity fridges located in the heart of Saint-Gilles and Forest. Everything is redistributed the next day to people in need. The fridges have a double impact: fighting against food waste and helping the most needy. 

Raising awereness

Food waste is an environmental disaster. We can all do something about it by putting simple solutions into practice.  We run awareness campaigns, especially in schools, to talk about this problem through fun workshops.  If you are a school or a collective and you would like to know more about our workshops, contact us via our contact page. 

Together, let’s lay the foundations for a zero food waste future. 

Bringing the sector together

The stakes for our planet are very high. It is therefore important to bring together all those who are pursuing the same objectives, in order to build a collective intelligence that will enable us to mobilise everyone’s skills to achieve concrete and even more ambitious goals.

Because alone we can go fast, but together we can go much further

Become a volunteer

Want to fight against food waste? Join our teams of great volunteers to make a real environmental and social impact.  We need all kinds of skills.  We hope to see you soon!

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9 months ago

Frigo pour tous
Recherchons d’urgence des bénévoles motorisés sur BXL disponibles en soirée pour récupérer de la marchandise du côté de la place Stéphanie.Merci de partager. Bénévoles sans voiture s’abstenir pour le moment. Merci. ... See MoreSee Less
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11 months ago

Frigo pour tous
Les photos de la dernière édition Shareanniversaire en partenariat avec DoucheFLUX 🎉Chaque mois, nous fêtons leurs anniversaires avec des invendus alimentaires. Merci à tous pour votre présence ❤️️---------Foto's van de laatste Shareanniversaire in samenwerking met DoucheFLUX 🎉Elke maand vieren we hun verjaardagen met onverkocht voedsel.Bedankt voor jullie aanwezigheid op ❤️️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Rue Arthur Diderich 34, 1060 Saint-Gilles






+32 495 55 99 32

Get In Touch With Us

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send us a message

    Notre équipe

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Nathan Lallemand

      Je suis Nathan

      coucou mon nom est Nathan

    • Alex Dandan


    • Daniel Christopher

      CEO- Founder

      Sed elit quam, iaculis sed semper sit amet, sollicitudin vitae nibh turi orno paner Quisque at magna eu augue semper euismod. Fusce cusior lomio ujukil moman commodo molestie luctus. Donec mollis nulla ipsum, vitae.

    • Daniel Christopher

      CEO- Founder

      Sed elit quam, iaculis sed semper sit amet, sollicitudin vitae nibh turi orno paner Quisque at magna eu augue semper euismod. Fusce cusior lomio ujukil moman commodo molestie luctus. Donec mollis nulla ipsum, vitae.